Ethentical hacking was probably started from the year 1980.Slowly and slowly it goes on

increasing .Today in this field there is demand for the true mind people.And in other side

it has also great Salary Package .That's the reason only why this fied is attracting the

youth towards it.

* Be a Master in Ethentical Hacking

From few decades Computer profesionals demand is increasing day by day.

Talking from small office to big IT sector office all the private matter is being kept only in the 

computers.From the point of safety,password is being set in the computers.To protect

password many things are done by the people.After many things done by the cyber protector
the information is being steal by the hackers from the miles away.These types of things are 

done by the computer's expert only.To stop them Ethentical Hackers are present and this

phenomenon is known is Ethential Hacking.However E-mail hacking,private or secret files

leaked etc. these types of work is being increasing very Fast.

* Why we need Ethentical Hackers

If we talk about Nascom report a world needs about 77 Thousand ethentical hackers per 

year but only 25-30 thousand professionals per year are comming forwards.It means that 

very few percentage of people are doing this course.Talking about the report in the comming

year's there will be more and more demand for the Ethentical Hackers because in every 

sector computer is playing an Imortant role and people are trying to kept their secrets in the

computer only.It means there is more and demand in this Field.

*When should you do this Course

Related from Ethentical Hacking Bachelor,Master,Diploma and many more courses are 

available in this field.Some courses are also available in which you can keep

Ethentical Hacking as main subject .Admissions are given in Bachelor degree after 12th.

Bachelor and Master degree are related with computer application.

*Chances of 100% sure success

When the courses are over Professionals get job very easy.Some of them get job as 
Chief information officers,Networking specialist etc.

* Computer Networking Knowledge Is Important

Computer Networking Knowledge is very much important in this field.On the other side 
professionals should also have knowledge about Java,Unix and C++.

Some most important Websites for more Information

