Today we are living in the 21st century a world of globalisation.Today computer is playing a very important role in country development as well as economic development.So the computer security also matter a lot.Online account hacking report is increasing daily,it's getting more difficult to protect our password and keep our accounts safe.But do not worry more a solution has come.
A computer scientist has discovered called as "geographical passwords"to protect online accounts and to keep hackers away.Computer scientist Ziyad Al-Salloum of ZSS-Research in Ras Al Khaimah,UAE,has discovered "geographical password".This approach counts that users can more easily remember its favourite place than what he puts the complex password they choose themselves.
Within this system,the user would choose a place on the map-where he first meet his childhood friend and so on and he will draw the boundary around them.The user may draw any shape like-circle,triangle,polygon.All this information will be used to "calculate" the password,which will then get mixed with the users specific random string of characters.In this way,different users will never have the same password.According to Al-Salloum in this way about 76% of the data breaches will get reduced.
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