Hello friends welcome once again to our Blog.Today I am going to give you a new FileIce Trick 
which is 100%% working May-June.It will take 20-25 second to perform this trick.I am going to post this trick because many visitor has asked me please post any new working FileIce Trick.As we all know all fileIce trick is blocked.So now everybody get ready to perform this trick.

This is based on Indian IP so if you are not Indian better to "Use Only Indian IP.

Lets Look How To Perform This Trick:-

1:-First open the FileIce Link which you want to Download.

2:-Now as done Click on "Regular Download".

3:-Now Select the bellow offer.

4:-Your Chance to win A Brazil Trip.

5:-Now wait untill your page load.

6:-Now paste the URL given below in your address bar.


8:-Now press Enter.

9:-Now wait for few seconds to open the page.

10:-When the page is loaded,you will automatically get your file.


Note:-To use this Trick again and again Disconnect your Internet,Clear Cookies,Cache and History.


  1. Good.but please tell me how to use indian ip.where to configure it.i use airtel sim.does it have indian ip?

    1. Yes Your IP is an Indian IP. Just go and grab all your files from FileIce

    2. it's not working saying that links are download&install

  2. Replies
    1. Keep Visiting and please share our article @ Free Classifieds India.

  3. I am an indian user. At this time, there is no airtel offer on fileice.
    Only Download and install surveys are available.I tried a lot but all surveys cant complete.
    Please help me get out from this problem

    1. This FileIce trick is very old now and it it is block. We are having two FileIce Trick which is working however testing now also.We will soon publish in the blog.So Keep Updating.

  4. Dear Mr.shubham your work is really appreciated but dude i think your trick is no more valid in India -June 2014,so please try for surveys like "Download the free FLV player".

  5. dude can you download and send me the file http://fileice.net/download.php?file=3dzyx
    Please i need it urgent, my id is gouseahmed4u@gmail.com

  6. Admin, i already did the steps above but i cant find the offer "Your Chance to win A Brazil Trip" ;-(
    can you please download this link for me? im dying admin ;((

    1. This trick is not working now. Wait for our new FileIce Trick

